February 15th: The Search after Jesus
When Mary and Joseph failed to find Jesus
among their kinsfolk and acquaintance, they
returned to Jerusalem seeking Him. What were
their thoughts during that dreary and desolate
time? Did they blame themselves for carelessness
in not making sure that their Divine Son was
among the home-bound company? We can scarcely
think so. No reasonable precaution had been
neglected. They had not to add to the bitterness
of their sorrow, that the loss of Jesus was through
their own fault. It is a great mistake ever to blame
ourselves for any misfortune however great, when
we know that we have acted for the best, and have
not done anything to offend God. Yet who shall gauge the desolation of their aching hearts? There was a void in them that all the world could not supply. Had Jesus left them never to return? Were they to live henceforward bereft of the Light that had made the life in the little cottage at Nazareth a little Heaven upon earth? Without Jesus, what else would their life be but a living death? Condole with the darkness and desolation that gathered over their souls, and pray for the help of Joseph and Mary, in your own days of darkness and discouragement. Amidst all that time of anguish Joseph and Mary never for one instant lost. their confidence in God and their resignation to His holy will. Fiat voluntas tua was their motto from first to last. They did not complain of the loss of Jesus, which was to them far worse than death. Learn from them the lesson of humble submission to the Divine will, even amid the heaviest trials.
Music: The Shepherds' Farewell
from L' Enfance du Christ Op. 25 by Hector Berlioz
1. Thou must leave Thy lowly dwelling,
The humble crib, the stable bare. Babe, all mortal babes excelling, Content our earthly lot to share. Loving father, Loving mother, Shelter Thee with tender care! 2. Blessed Jesus, we implore Thee With humble love and holy fear. In the land that lies before Thee, Forget not us who linger here! May the shepherd's lowly calling, Ever to Thy heart be dear! 3. Blest are ye beyond all measure, Thou happy father, mother mild! Guard ye well your heav'nly treasure, The Prince of Peace, The Holy Child! God go with you, God protect you, Guide you safely through the wild! |